Quality and value for money

Enhance your living spaces

Bathroom/Laundry Renovations

Imagine turning this....

Bathroom/Laundry Renovations

into something like this!


RJ Mackereth Carpentry Before you call me to do work for you – here is a bit about me.

My family moved to Port Macquarie in September 2017 after I discharged from the army after serving 25 years. This time equipped me with great communication skills, excellent management skills, reliability and attention to detail.

Since discharging I have been immersed in construction and I have completed Cert IV in Construction Management – with these combined skills, I am the perfect person for your project.
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Carpentry You can expect:


  1. Quality workmanship
  2. Value for money with clear pricing
  3. Excellent communication throughout the project
  4. Professional project management
  5. Reliability
  6. Customer satisfaction

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